Sunday, August 8, 2010


This has been the best summer EVER!! i had a blast!! i went on so many fun trips and did so many fun things! here are some of my faves!
1: Youth conference!

2: Water World with the Jensons, Ashton, and Ciera((:

3: Poms Camp!!

4: Rachel coming to visit!(:

5: Sleepover with Maddy, Mayce, and Shae(:

6: EfY!!(:

7: Swimming with friends(:

8: And HOUSEBOATING with Rachel, Chloe, and Olivia((:(no pics yet)
9: MTNS(:

10: Recital: Very happy, and VERY sad!

and of course az but i already posted about that((:


Efy was one of the best weeks of my life!!! I had soooo much fun!! I met so many new friends and learned so much about the gospel!! I went with one of my best friends, Chloe Bray, and i had the best time with her!!(: here are some pictures!